Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Turtle

I have always had a strong fascination with turtles as a little boy. Recently, my aunt offered me a little red eared slider, asking if i could take care of it since she had no time to take care of it. At first, i adored my little red eared slider. I felt like he was happy being in a new home. This quick fit of joy really began decreasing. Now, whenever i look at him, i can't help but feel bad. Is he really just another novelty? Another picture frame? Another toy? I doubt he would choose to live in such a confined space. I wish i could play with him, but turtles aren't playful animals. Sometimes i let it out of its tank, but even then, it isn't real freedom. If i do release him in a nearby pond, he'll starve to death or be eaten by larger animal. His existence is meaningless. I find it depressing. He was raised for business, without any regards for his wants and needs. Whatever, he's here with me now, the least i can do is continue taking care of him, and ask his little soul for forgiveness for being born to a confined existence.

Maybe we're all like that. Every step of life is just us being moved to a bigger tank. We really don't try to break free. We settle for little, when we can have so much more.

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