Friday, July 4, 2008

Kingdom Hearts

I know I'm really late with the whole Kingdom Hearts 2 craze, but i recently bough a copy of it and i seriously cannot stop playing it. The gameplay is really fun and at no time is it ever boring. The game is a following to the popular Kingdom Hearts where you battle alongside disney characters to help rescue your friends. I know the plot sounds really cheesy, but it has one of the most complex story lines for a kids game. It can teach alot about the human spirit that refuses to give in to evil and darkness. Like i told my friend Jen, "It's better than going to church." HA HA. Anyone who wishes to have a good time should definately pick this and the first game at your local Gamestop. They're only 20 bucks!

Anyway, i haven't beaten it so far, but i know I'm really close to. I'd say im about 80% done? It's really starting to get annoying though. I'm past all the disney worlds and now I'm in the original worlds that were made for this game. There has been so many plot twists that i'm starting to get excited for Kingdom Hearts 3!

Keyblade war anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You DO know that the ones coming out aren't the KH3, right? There's Birth By Sleep for the PSP, and 358/2 days for the DS. Those are like side stories, like the chain of memories that was released a while ago on the gameboySP. KH3 is still in a long progress.