Thursday, July 31, 2008


My remote control has a fresh set of batteries again! Now i can finally switch off The N and watch something good for a change. I was getting sick and tired of the costant Sears commercial that Vanessa Hudgens stars in. It is soo shallow and superficial.


"Maybe i should get the school to match my outfit!"

Oh well, we saw her tits and crotch for free.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why So Serious?

Most likely I'm the 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th person on blogger to make a post about this movie, but it definately deserves to be on my blog (that no one reads).

Everyone was literally sharting themselves at least 2 weeks prior to its release! Everyone was going crazy! I was excited, but i didn't want to fill my head with too much expectation since i ALWAYS end up being dissapointed (like i did with Wall-E). I'm weird like that. I didn't see it on its opening night, but i did see it the next day. But yes! This movie blew everyone AWAY! My hands were sweaty and numb by the end. THATS definately a good thing.

Ledger's performance was both phenomenal and creepy. He definately took all the glory (which is sad since Christian Bale was Batman). Christian Bale was good too, but The Joker was everyone's favorite character.

The Joker was the perfect villian. He wasn't a criminal or a thief--he was a psychopath! He clearly emphasized his love for chaos and disruption. No one really knew his motives for disturbing the citizens of Gotham and most likely we will never know. Maybe he never had any motives to begin with.

I won't recommend it since everyone who's anyone has probably seen it by now.
Except angry The Godfather fanboys ha ha ha!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

It's Boba TIME!

I don't know whats in them, or what keeps me buying them, but i cannot resist a strawberry smoothie with boba!

Try out your local Boba [insert name here] and taste these balls. It'll leave you satisfied*.

Here's the direction in case your close by.

Boba Time
(213) 749-2622
623 E 12th St
Los Angeles, CA

*Thats what she said.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


IQ Scale
Over 140 - Genius or almost genius
120 - 140 - Very superior intelligence
110 - 119 - Superior intelligence
90 - 109 - Average or normal intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline deficiency in intelligence
Under 70 - Feeble-mindedness

SO what does this mean? It means i'm like one of those pimps.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Kool Thing

Sonic Youth and Breyer's Strawberry ice cream: What more could a guy want?

A Task Unfolds

Since i haven't been hired anywhere yet, i have all this free time to myself. It's really a drag sometimes. Yesterday night, me and my cousin were bored so we decided to count all of his dvds. He has reached a whopping 107! I only have around 70-80. I'm not sure yet. The point is, i helped myself to some of his dvds which i hope will keep me occupied in my soon-to-be-over unemployed days.

Here's the line up:



Pokemon Ranger(why not)

The Land Before Time (nostalgia)


Troy(why not)

I've seen half of the dvds i borrowed but i haven't watched them in a quite a while.

I'm really exicted for Alien and Predator though. I know i've seen horribly dubbed versions of it in a spanish network called Telemundo, but i want the real deal(even if i have to deal with Schwarzenegger's accent). In space no one can hear you scream. I hope Alien is good.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Why do i feel nostalgic all of a sudden? Like i need to be somewhere that i've known all along. Maybe my life isn't as fulfilling as i think it is. I know i'm happy but then, why should i feel nostalgic? Maybe being home all day isn't such a good idea. I hope i go out tommorow.

The Movie Never Ends...

I can't get this song out of my head. At first, i ridiculed it, and then found myself downloading it.

I need to hear this in the middle of nowhere, with my windows rolled down, FULL VOLUME!


I Don't Give A Damm About My Reputation

Time to start repaying my debts to society-whatever they may be. I'll start by introducing this great show that no one saw. Can you recognize a couple of those pictured above? Yes thats Linda Cardellini from ER and yes thats Jason Segal from Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Oh wait, there's also Seth Rogen from Knocked Up and James Franco from the Spiderman movies. Wait a minute? This show has all of these great actors in it? How could i have dismissed this? Well, quite frankly, no one saw this show and it got the boot waaaay too soon. The cult tv show was about two distinct groups which most of us may be all too familiar with. It follows Lindsay Weir and her little brother Sam Weir as they go through the highschool experience through two different perspectives, but the end result is the same, to be accepted.
Everyone is familiar with your typical highschool show about beautiful people who constantly deal with relationship issues blah blah blah. Freaks and Geeks is for REAL people-people who didn't hang out with the cool kids. Did i mention this show takes place in the 80's? Oh, it also has one of the best soundtracks a show could ever ask for! If you were ever picked on in highschool, or where the one doing the picking, then this show is JUST for you. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll gasp, you'll scream, you'll love every character as if they were close friends you have known for ages. So go ahead, watch the series that didn't last for long. Become ONE of us. ONE OF US. ONE OF US. Give it a try. Next thing you know, you'll be catching yourself humming Lindsay's Theme.
And, the whole series is on youtube!
I'll post a link to the pilot episode.
If you've been recently wanting to fall in love with someone, this is it. Just don't fall TOO in love with it. It may cause heartbreak to some, and thats a good thing!

p.s. The series was produced by Judd Apatow

Death Rides a Horse

I haven't found any topic which deserves a decent post, but if i don't post something then i'll lose the habit of blogging. The past few nights have really opened my mind so much. I've been reading about different religions like Buddhism and Taoism and how the universe came to be, and other realms and parallel universes. It really just makes me feel serene. We're so little compared to anything up in the cosmos. Our existence seems almost meaningless, but then it doesn't. I believe in God, but i still think there is more to life than just, living. Maybe we'll never figure it out, or maybe we will.

The greatest man on earth once said, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things." I think i'll do that.

I need to go hike or something. I need to travel somewhere. I need to break from all this routine. I need a dramatic change in my life. It'll come. The only thing i can have is hope. Hope is a good thing, and no good thing ever dies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My Turtle

I have always had a strong fascination with turtles as a little boy. Recently, my aunt offered me a little red eared slider, asking if i could take care of it since she had no time to take care of it. At first, i adored my little red eared slider. I felt like he was happy being in a new home. This quick fit of joy really began decreasing. Now, whenever i look at him, i can't help but feel bad. Is he really just another novelty? Another picture frame? Another toy? I doubt he would choose to live in such a confined space. I wish i could play with him, but turtles aren't playful animals. Sometimes i let it out of its tank, but even then, it isn't real freedom. If i do release him in a nearby pond, he'll starve to death or be eaten by larger animal. His existence is meaningless. I find it depressing. He was raised for business, without any regards for his wants and needs. Whatever, he's here with me now, the least i can do is continue taking care of him, and ask his little soul for forgiveness for being born to a confined existence.

Maybe we're all like that. Every step of life is just us being moved to a bigger tank. We really don't try to break free. We settle for little, when we can have so much more.

Monday, July 7, 2008

And Don't You Say To Me Your Sun Doesn't Shine

For the past few sundays, i've noticed that a strange african american man with a bicycle full of trashcan bags comes to my street and collects cans. I Just like staring at him, and wondering why he does this every weekend, at the same time, in the same manner. Is he trying to make money to support his drug addiction? Is it just a hobby of his? Or is he just looking for something more to make ends meat. I'll never know. But he just does it in a calm, peaceful manner. He takes out used pizza boxes and milk cartons and momentarily places them on the ground so he can start digging for soda cans and plastic bottles. After he's finished he puts everything back the way it was. He does this at least 15 times for every street he's in. I know it. How far does he live? He must have a house because he owns a bicycle and wears different clothes everytime. Collecting cans at 2 in the morning? Really? Maybe one day i'll talk to him and find out. But for now, i'll just wait for him to pass by.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fireworks displays

Why is everyone so intrigued by fireworks displays? They're really boring to me. Sure, the first 20 have everyone in awe, but i really can't stay interested after that. So many "uuuuus" and "ahhhs". The only thing i like about fireworks displays are those huge ones that give off a little boom. It makes everything around you vibrate. But really? Do you want to stand 45 minutes looking up at fireworks.

Anyways, happy fourth of July!

Kingdom Hearts

I know I'm really late with the whole Kingdom Hearts 2 craze, but i recently bough a copy of it and i seriously cannot stop playing it. The gameplay is really fun and at no time is it ever boring. The game is a following to the popular Kingdom Hearts where you battle alongside disney characters to help rescue your friends. I know the plot sounds really cheesy, but it has one of the most complex story lines for a kids game. It can teach alot about the human spirit that refuses to give in to evil and darkness. Like i told my friend Jen, "It's better than going to church." HA HA. Anyone who wishes to have a good time should definately pick this and the first game at your local Gamestop. They're only 20 bucks!

Anyway, i haven't beaten it so far, but i know I'm really close to. I'd say im about 80% done? It's really starting to get annoying though. I'm past all the disney worlds and now I'm in the original worlds that were made for this game. There has been so many plot twists that i'm starting to get excited for Kingdom Hearts 3!

Keyblade war anyone?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vagina Rash

I guess this is the part where i start describing myself. I guess I'm an ordinary guy with an extraordinary mind. Cheesy. I like dvd collecting, going to church and eating veggie burgers! Arghhhhh. I didn't really make this account to meet people but rather to focus all my teenage angst somewhere that is acceptable and nonharmful. I either blog or i'll punch a wall.

Job hunting

Job hunting can be so annoying. I've written my social security several times today that I'll finally remember it for the rest of my life. I'm not too excited to actually start working but thinking about the things i can finally buy once i start bringing in the cash keep me slightly optimistic. Whatever. I hope i get to work with my friends or work somewhere where i wont be annoyed easily. If i continue writing in this blog i guess i'll post-in the near future- a list of things that annoy me at work. Ha ha ha.

Mindless Blogging...

I just opened a new blog account. How exciting! Nah, i doubt anyone will actually read any of this. I guess i'll just post useless banter of things i like and dislike.