Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday, August 22, 2008

Walking on sunshine

Here's someone you bring home to your mother, and you can all indulge in a nice night of Monopoly and Spaghetti, just don't let her go to the bathroom. This is woman is obviously derranged and doesn't have her priorities straight if she's getting high off of aerosol cans. To choose Lysol as your number 1 drug is beyond me.


Guitar Hero

Guitar hero has got to be more addicting than crack. Sure it looks like a typical game for 12 year olds to fap over while eating microwave dinners, but it really isn't. It has some really great songs (ahem Free Bird, Woman) that just about anyone with 2 brain cells can rock out to(though to play expert requires alot more than that.) I haven't boughten the actual game, and i dont really know what compels me to make a post but i can tell this is going to be the beggining of a beautiful relationship. Oh yeah, it's also a great way to get carpal tunnel, so that's always nice but nonetheless, once i get my get my little hands on some cash, i'll be cluching it all the waaay to my local Gamestop. Commence the rocking!

Who cares right?

Whoa, so i haven't posted anything in such a long time(not that it matters). No one reads anything i ever post anyways, so i really don't find a point in constantly posting shit only 3 people read about but whatever. Let's see. I start college in a week. The Soup is incredibly hilarious. Kim Kardashian's ass is ridiculously huge. I absolutely adore alliteration. Guitar hero is wonderfully addicting. I'm starting to become obsessed with healthy eating/living. I just learned something about the most hated girl at my school.